On April 27, 2009 I went to the IBM office in Dublin, Ohio for the last time. I packed up my IBM Thinkpad (my best friend the past 3 years) and sent it to my manager. I drove out of the parking lot that day and one word came to mind, "freedom" (see Mel Gibson in Braveheart).
As I sat on the couch with my wife that night planning our upcoming move to Durham, North Carolina I received a call from a friend at a local non-profit. They had been discussing plans to utilize social media and she remembered my responsibilities at IBM of helping our sales force develop a social computing mindset. She said they wanted to enter the social media world and wanted my assistance.
I thought I would have at least one day to relax after leaving IBM, but the morning of April 28, 2009 (the day after leaving IBM) I met with my first consulting client. This is only the beginning.