I attend lots of events and hear many speakers but last week Henry Kaestner from Bandwidth made an impression on me that I will not forget. While he did talk about business, he focused the Bandwidth prorities of faith, family, work, and fitness in that order. For example, everyone gets kicked out of the office at 12 noon to engage in some type of physical activity.
Perhaps the most poignant point Henry drove home was his faith. One attendee asked, "In a world that attempts to ban National Day of Prayer, how do you speak so openly about faith?" Henry responded, "We can't help it." It was not only the words he spoke but the way he said it. I could feel his conviction and it touched me deeply.
How many of us hesitate to share our deeply held beliefs? Even though I served a 2 year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and have been known to share my beliefs with those around me, I still left with a renewed desire to stand for what I believe.
Thanks Henry.