(From my internal IBM blog posted on 29 July 2008)
As my IBM organization, Application Management Services, begins to adopt 2.0 tools, many sales and solutioners will ask which RSS reader is best? The official response is "None are recommended because it is a matter of preference." Below are few I have tested. I welcome your thoughts as well.
I have only included readers that will accept internal IBM feeds since I believe the pros of using Google Reader or Bloglines outweigh the con of having to use two different readers to read external and internal IBM feeds.
I am personally using the Notes 8 reader since it is very simple and integrated into Notes.
Spectacular (Internal web based RSS reader)ProsAbility to watch an individual's activity (such as a team member)
More options than Notes
Large user community
ConsHave to go to a separate website to read feeds
Lotus 8 - Notes based reader with basic functionalityProsNo need to go somewhere else to read feeds
Possible support from IBM
ConsNot as flexible as other readers
Firefox Live Bookmarks - Browser based reader with basic functionalityProsNo need to go somewhere else to read feeds
ConsNot as flexible as other readers
No traditional support
FeedDemon - External reader, Stand Alone ApplicationProsLots of options
Alerting functionality
ConsNeed to install another application