As a volunteer in rural Peru, Joseph Linzon saw a problem. Residents needed electricity for cell phones, laptops and iPods, but they didn’t have a ready source of power. As he traveled through remote villages on foot, the idea came to him. “As you walk you produce energy – kinetic energy, and I was thinking, “How can I convert this kinetic energy, that’s created with the swinging of a foot and charge a battery?” He’s now awaiting a patent and plans to use his prize to develop a prototype and pay legal fees. He calls his invention the Power Sole – with the slogan, “empowering the powerless, one step at a time.”
Joseph, a student at University of Virginia, is just one of 18 student entrepreneur teams from Boston College, Clemson, Duke, Florida State, Miami, NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill, Virginia, Virginia Tech, and Wake Forest participating in Startup Madness on March 14 in American Tobacco.
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