Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I wanted to launch a scalable startup but....

"Think BIG" is a familiar phrase in the startup world.  This usually translates to launching a scalable startup software company.  I tried that for a little while but shifted when I found the actual problem I was tackling.

The secondary education system in our country needs help.  This is a problem that can't be solved with software so I finally accepted the fact that I was not following the footsteps of Joe at Bronto, Aaron at iContact, Jess at Sharefile, etc.

Startup High is all about lighting fires in our young people by exposing them to inspiring people such as entrepreneurs.  We will be in 3 cities next summer and will slowly assist in solving the secondary education problem.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Creatives: The Ultimate Entrepeneurs

I've recently spent time with new friends who work at one of, if not the best, independent advertising agency in the world, McKinney.  As I've learned how they operate, it dawned on me that these individuals are the ultimate entrepreneurs since they must continually come up with ideas and execute.  While typical entrepreneurs do have to iterate, they usually only have to come up with one idea and execute really well.  The pressure to produce day in, day out is weighty and I'm in awe of those who hit home run after home run.    

You've likely already seen SPENT.  If not, it will change you for the good.